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Since Spring 2009, Idaho Power has been working intensively with communities in eastern Oregon and western Idaho to develop proposed and alternative routes for the Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line Project.
Three route alternatives were presented to communities last month at a series of meetings that were held throughout the project area. Team members were asked to review the three routes and data associated with each route, then provide comments about each route back to Idaho Power before March 25.
Idaho Power intends to submit its revised SF-299 application to the BLM this month, which will restart the NEPA review process. The SF-299 application will include Idaho Power’s recommendation that the Eastern alternative route be advanced into NEPA as the proposed route. A map of the proposed route is attached.
Idaho Power plans to host a Project Advisory Team meeting in your area in late April. The purpose of this meeting will be to present the proposed route that will be submitted back into the federal process and share with you how and why this route was chosen. At this meeting, Idaho Power will also provide information about how you can stay involved during the NEPA process.
Your input has been extremely valuable and we appreciate the time, effort and thought you and your community have contributed. We will be in contact with you about the date and location of the next Project Advisory Team meeting within the next few weeks.
Kent McCarthy
B2H Community Advisory Process Leader
Idaho Power Company