First of all, a big THANK YOU to everyone who showed up to listen at the Public Utilities Commission Hearing for Need. If you weren't able to hear, Gary Pearson got everyone's point across in a booming voice. Thanks for being there!!

Gary Pearson gives his comments to the ALJ at Tuesday night's OPUC Hearing for Need
From our hard-working Stop Idaho Power chair Roger Findley:
I just want to take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to all who participated at tonight's big PUC meeting. We packed the room out. PUC estimated there were at least 175 people present. They had to bring in more chairs. The presenters did a spectacular job (as usual). The presentations were polished and right on point. We can not worry about what the outcome will be....we did our part...we hope the process works!
A quote from an Idaho region National Trust official:
"The Stop Idaho Power group had a compelling, orchestrated series of speakers systematically taking on the issues of concern to the OPUC. It will be interesting to see how this plays out."
And a thank you to the Oregon Public Utilities Commission officials and Administrative Law Judge Sarah Wallace for coming all the way to Ontario to listen to our comments.