Thursday, January 8, 2009

Request for Follow-up Meeting

Hello, Roger –

Thanks, again, for the message you recently sent me regarding the status of your proposals for the Boardman to Hemingway Project and a follow-up meeting with “Stop Idaho Power” (SIP).

I spoke with Eric Hackett about this yesterday. He said that he certainly did intend on a follow-up meeting as soon as Idaho Power has new information to share regarding the alternative routes SIP has proposed, as well as more information on the need and reason for the location of the Sand Hollow substation. Please remember that Idaho Power is analyzing the feasibility of your proposals along with a number of others received from the public during the scoping process, and it will take some time. Idaho Power is also expecting to receive a project order from the Oregon Department of Energy within the month and will have to factor those requirements into its analysis.

I understand that is difficult to wait for information when the project is of such great concern to you and your neighbors. Please be assured that your interest is well known and that your concerns will be addressed as soon as possible. Again, Eric is committed to meeting with you once he has information to share. And while Eric is your direct connection to Idaho Power, please continue to feel free to contact me if you have questions about SIP’s opportunities for involvement with the Boardman to Hemingway Project.


Susan Hayman | EnviroIssues
P.O. Box 1096 | Boise ID 83701
Office: 208.385.0128 | Cell: 208.869.2120 |