The next general Stop Idaho Power meeting will be held at the Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario Monday, February 9th at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited.
A lot has happened since our last meeting, so the agenda will cover:
1) The Dalles EFSC meeting report by Bruce Corn
2) Baker City update and Idaho Power IRP Advisory by Roger Findley
3) Homedale and Parma updates by Bruce Penn
4) Ontario FRCC NEPA county and state meeting UPDATE This meeting has been rescheduled for March 9 (see blog post above) so will be taken off the agenda
5) Evaluation of ODOE's Project Order
6) Strategy Plan for what happens next
We are especially looking for personal, documented stories on health problems that may be encountered by living or working around or caring for animals near 500 kV transmission lines, or if you have a business such as recreational golf or remote control planes or crop dusting or radio that will be affected, please write your story up and bring it to send to the ODOE. We also need documentation for property owners who are providing wildlife habitat through the ODFW, and any documented cultural or historical artifacts that may have been found on your property.
We will be ordering more No Entry signs since other groups are also interested in posting them. Evelyn Sayers is working on a No Consent form as a reply to Idaho Power's easement and right-of-way Consent letters (now they are sending them Certified Mail!) which are lacking any option to say NO.
We are looking forward with interest to IPCo's Eric Hackett's promise of new corridor routes to appear in late February.