Monday, May 18, 2009

Kuna deliberates

Kuna Planning and Zoning Commission holds off on decision on comprehensive plan
Scott McIntosh/Kuna Melba News Editor

14 MAY. 09 Kuna Planning and Zoning Commission members Thursday night tabled a decision on the city’s comprehensive plan update. Commission members are scheduled to make a decision at their next regularly scheduled meeting, which begins at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, May 27, at City Hall.

Commission members heard from about a dozen residents, most of whom expressed support for the plan in general. A number of people spoke against a version of the future land use map that contained a swath of land on the south of town that clears a path for a massive 500,000-volt Idaho Power transmission line.

. . . Commission members Curt James and Stephanie Wierschem sought more time to consider the testimony and letters, while commission members Stan Sanders, Carl Trautman and chairman Dave Case said they were prepared to recommend approval of the comp plan with the map that discluded the power line.

In the end, James made a motion to table the matter, Wierschem seconded it and Trautman acquiesced out of respect for fellow commission members’ desires to take more time.