You didn't know you were part of a $5 billion planned transmission project from Canada to California? You didn't know there could be 3 (count 'em THREE) 12-story transmission towers on this right of way across your property?
Wind Watch Energy News - ". . . PG&E’s line, which would continue south to Boardman en route to California, would give Avista a new pathway to move to its own service territory power generated at its Coyote Springs plant, which is near Boardman, Kopczynski says. It’s paying others to transmit that power now. "
The maps above (click for a larger map) are the overall Northwest routes and the general route planned for Idaho Power's leg of the line. Notice how they've "fine tuned" it since then to include Malheur County just so we wouldn't feel left out!
You can look at the Powerpoint Presentation for this project HERE including the above maps.