Monday, January 11, 2010

Take Action Now to Stop Wetland Fill Permits LC 85 (AGAIN)

This from Brett VandenHeuvel, :

We’ve confirmed that a new version of 3058 is rearing its ugly head during the short legislative session this January. Senator (Rick) Metsger (Hood River, Troutdale) is introducing what seems to be an almost identical bill that would allow a corporation to apply for wetland fill permits on private property without the landowners’ permission. This will fast track utility projects.

Could you put the word out to folks that this harmful bill is back. The short session is very short so we need to start contacting legislators now.

Details on what is proposed, from

Senator Metsger is proposing this bill to change the definition of “applicant” for wetland fill permits. That change would allow agents other than a landowner or person working on the landowner's behalf to apply for permits to develop on private property. The bill appears to be intended to facilitate public roadways, but it is not limited to public projects and would in fact allow anyone to apply for and receive a permit on private land without the landowner's permission. This bill would be more acceptable if it only affected public projects like roads. . . .

"LC 85" will be considered during a work session in the Senate Business and Transportation Committee on Wednesday, January 13th @ 1pm in Hearing Room F at the Oregon State Capitol.

We must impress upon the legislature that this is a controversial bill that shouldn't be considered in a special session designed to remedy the budget crisis in Oregon. We also need to tell them that it is wrong to treat private LNG speculation in the same manner as public projects like roads and sewer lines. Contacting the legislators below is absolutely critical to our success in defeating this bill again.

When you contact these decision makers, tell them:
1) You oppose any bill that would fast-track the permitting process for LNG-related pipelines.
2) LC 85 would be a controversial bill that did not pass in the 2009 session, as HB 3058, and shouldn't be considered during the special session.
3) At the very least, Senator Metsger's transportation bill, LC 85, needs to be amended to exclude projects by private corporations.

Contact our legislators:

Ted Ferrioli
Cliff Bentz