The November 4th email:
We anticipate to hold a meeting next week on Thursday, November 12th to discuss the Project Order and routing in Idaho (for more information about the Project Order please go to
Several Project Advisory Team members have requested a meeting to specifically discuss these issues and we are working diligently to meet this request. We are currently waiting to confirm a facility and schedule Idaho panelists before this date is confirmed.
Please save the date November 12th and by the end of the week we will notify you to confirm this date. If the meeting is not held next week it will be scheduled for the first or second week of December.
Thank you for your patience. We appreciate your continued participation in the Community Advisory Process.
The November 9th email:
The November 12, 2009 meeting to discuss the Project Order and routing in Idaho meeting has been cancelled. We are currently working to reschedule this meeting. Our goal is to have this meeting before our fourth Project Advisory Team meeting to be held in December.
Idaho Power hopes to submit its 2009 IRP, including viable route(s), by the end of December.