From Bruce Penn:
Clinton and I went to the NuAcres Grange Hall to meet with some 50 plus folks from the rural area of impact in Payette Co. Saturday evening. Betty Clarich of that immediate area had gone door to door and gathered these folks there. Most of them knew very little about IP's proposed line. They were there to get information about it and to organize themselves.
Betty had asked Parma's Impact Task Force to come and present their power point presentation, as well as the Payette rural fire department. If this line goes in and reduces property value the fire department stands to lose 25% of their budget and this rural area could find themselves without fire and ambulance. The effects of this power line continues to accumulate upon the citizens it impacts.
Clinton gave the SIP power point presentation, doing a great job by the way, which answered a lot of their questions. We invited them to our public meeting set for Monday (February 9th, 7:00 pm at the FRCC). They are organizing and seeing the need to write letters to their commissioners, state and public leaders. They were very thankful for us coming and sharing this vital information with them.
For SIP, Bruce P.